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Northern Shoveler ( Anas clypeata )
Description Photograph (click on the image to increase it) Various
One can not make a mistake because it has a beak in shape of spatula (2.7 inch). The drake has the green head, the white breast, the red - brown womb, the top of wings blue, the dark beak - black. Hen has the brown plumage, the orange-coloured beak. Northern Shoveler The beak is of use to him for filtering the layer superior of the water to feed. It is not too shy, it is more active at night.
Photograph  :
Habitat  :It is present in France all year long in swamps, the ponds, the lagoons, the bays and the estuaries. It is also present in all Europe.
Food  :Vegetables, aquatic, small insects shellfishes.
Size  :17.336 inch (44-52 cm) Weight  : 400-1 kg Wing span : 27.58 inch (70-84 cm)
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