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Eurasian Wigeon ( Anas penelope )
Description Photograph (click on the image to increase it) Various
Very beautiful duck, the drake has the head red with a yellow strip which leaves of the base of the beak until the top of the head. It has a pinkish front, a white womb, a black and white rump. The beak is bluish with the black point. The plumage of the hen is brown. Eurasian Wigeon Very skillful on ground, its name comes from its shout, a melodious whistling wii-wuuuuu that one hears frequently the evening. The hen emits a very grave rarr. He likes one grass in particular, the zoostère's grass and the herb of the salty meadows.
Photograph  :
Habitat  :Very frequent, it nests in the Northern Europe and in the North of Siberia, it winters in Europe, one finds it in estuaries often with the brent goose but also in swamps of the coast and in centre of France.
Food  :In base of vegetables.
Size  :17.73 inch (45-51 cm) Weight  : 500-900 g Wing span : 29.55 inch (75-85 cm)
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