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Bonelli's Eagle ( Hieraaetus fasciatus )
Description Photograph (click on the image to increase it) Various
It is a little bigger than a buzzard. It is thiner, the tail and the paws are longer than Eagles ( Aquila). Bonelli It is extremely skillful, the flight looks like that of the falcon, it is as fast and agressive as falcons, skillful that the sparrow hawks and brave as the eagles.
Photograph  :
Habitat  :It is one very rare sort in France ( 50 couples). It is sedentary and lives in the injured landscapes of the region Méditérannéenne. It is present in all Spain and in Africa as well as in the Middle East, in standing mountainous regions of trees or bristly in the semidesert zones in desert.
Food  :Wild rabbit, red partridge, hare, rat, squirrel, cat, lizard, jackdaw.
Size  :21.67 inch (55-65 cm) Weight  : 1,50-2,50 kg Wing span : 57.13 inch (145-165 cm)
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